Production process

The strict inspection procedures and inspection standards

Строги поступци инспекције и стандарди инспекције, уклањају инспекцију и надзор перформанси, контролу квалитета процеса и завршну инспекцију како би се осигурале перформансе производа и толеранције у складу са захтевима купаца ....

Jiashan Epen Bearing Co.Ltd. is a professional manufacturer of plain bearings and wear plates, and has grown rapidly to a point where now all types of plain bearings can be supplied. Standard catalogue sizes, special sizes and designs can be produced at competitive prices and to a high quality standard. Jiashan Epen Bearing Co.Ltd. Serves both the domestic and international markets. The Jiashan Epen Bearing Company intend to stay at the forfront of this market.

The self-lubricating bearings supplied by Jiashan Epen Bearing Co.Ltd. are maintenance free and are ideally suitable to oscillatory motion, linear motion, difficult working environments, high temperature applications, etc.

OPEN bearings has its own production workshops and office buildings

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телефон: +86 573 8482 4388
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Одељење за управљање квалитетом
телефон: +86 573 8482 4388